Contact Us

For DC scheme information, please click here.

By post: Coats Pensions, PO Box 2043, Pershore, WR10 9ES
By phone*: 0141 207 6800. For pensions in payment, please call 0141 207 6813, 6824 or 6845.
By email:

*Office hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Outside these times there is an answering service for phone calls.

As communication by email is not secure, please do not send anything confidential, financial or sensitive – see the privacy section for more information. Upon receipt of your email we will send you an acknowledgement within 2 working days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement after this time, you should assume that we have not received your email, and we would suggest that you call or write to us.

Please remember to include your 7-digit pension reference number (if you know this), your NI number and your date of birth on any correspondence.