The Coats Pensions team is responsible for the governance of the Coats UK Pension Scheme. Sheila MacNicol is the Group Head of Pensions.
Coats Pensions postal address is:
Coats Pensions, PO Box 2043, Pershore, WR10 9ES.
Office hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Outside these times there is an answering service for phone calls. For pensions in payment, please call 0141 207 6813, 0141 207 6824 or 0141 207 6842. For all other enquiries, please call 0141 207 6800 or email us at
Please help us to identify you quickly and accurately by quoting your pension reference number, if you are already a member of the Scheme. If you are unable to find this, please quote your National Insurance number.
Please note that information of a personal or confidential nature should not be sent by email as we cannot guarantee it is secure. For more information about this, please check the Legal Section of our site.
We will treat email correspondence in the same way as regular mail, and we will reply within the same target timescales. For details of our target timescales for responding to various questions, please view our Service Level Agreement, available from the Forms section of our site. Please note you will need to be able to view PDF files to read this document. Please click on our Useful Downloads section for more information.